Tuesday, September 14, 2010

JAX, FL - Dobie X puppy thrown out of car - needs rescue or indoor home

JAX, FL - Dobie X puppy thrown out of car - needs rescue or indoor home

Look at this face!
Hi I am trying to find someone to help me with a puppy my husband found that was thrown out of a car on 103rd street.  I was told that the rescues would want to see pics of him before they would agree to take him.  He was found on 8/19 a resident of an apartment complex my husband was working at saw a car slow down in the turn lane and throw the puppy out of the car by his neck, my husband found him wandering the complex a few hours later and brought him home. We have been trying to find a home for him via networking on facebook, asking friends and craigslist to no avail.  We are unforunately unable to keep him.  He is very sweet. He was very timid when he first got here but has taken to being cared for quite nicely he wouldn't take long to train, he can already sit and shakes when he wants. We have been calling him Diesel or D, only because we had to call him something besides puppy bc all the dogs came running then.  He is almost housebroken but not completely.  Loves playing and gets along well with our 2 dogs, a large male german shepherd and a small female lab mix.  He seems curious about the cat but doesn't act aggressive towards him.  He looks to be a doberman mix with maybe even some german shepherd, I say that only bc the was his ears stand up but I'm just speculating,not sure of age but he's 18" or so tall and 24" or so long.  We need to find him a permanent home as soon as possible.  You can contact me via email or call my husband John's cell during the day 9047089133 or my cell in the evening 9047088971.    email.  jstoeckel1@bellsouth.net
Judy Carter

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